Una revisión de maluma hawaii

Una revisión de maluma hawaii

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Aunque en un principio Maluma no pensaba dedicarse a la música le ofrecieron cincelar un disco, poco a lo que su padre se opuso en un principio ya que lo único que quería es que su hijo se dedicara al fútbol.

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Si los primeros sencillos de Maluma y su álbum inauguración mostraban al colombiano como un romántico de modales impecables, su segundo LP nos presenta al Maluma rompecorazones, un seductor más amigo del reggaetón que de las baladas. Aunque eso es sólo la centro de la ecuación, porque Pretty Boy, Dirty Boy es un álbum conceptual dividido en dos partes: por una ala es un baladista enamorado, y por el otro, es su alter presunción conquistador y noctívago.

Cómo es la casa que Maluma le obsequió a un niño con cáncer: el video del emotivo momento en que le da la sorpresa

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In an interview with NPR, Maluma addressed his baby news for the first time, as he shared that becoming a father is “such a big dream” for him. 

Okay, people, I'll delete my translation and the comments, but only if all of you delete ALL you comments on this page!

“I went to so many different high schools and sang the two songs that I had at that time,” he added. “I also did the radio station, concerts and had to work very hard every day to be known in different places in Colombia and Latin America. I put my whole life to my career.”

Maluma y su hito más conspicuo en su ciudad originario, Medellín: "Aún no supero la mejor Incertidumbre de mi vida"

Fue súper relajado y sin lujos: la forma en que las chicas bailaban, la música y todo el sentimiento de la vida nocturna jamaicana era hermoso ".

Baltin: maluma When you look at how people use their voice for good, are there things you want to incorporate into your career? That's why you have a foundation.

Maluma is a regular guy who's seeing a rich girl. She has a boyfriend that mistreats her but her parents want her to date him because he has money. Maluma insists on spending time with her. ... Read allMaluma is a regular maluma hawaii guy who's seeing a rich girl. She has a boyfriend that mistreats her but her parents want her to date him because he has money.

10. My stage name is in honor of my family. “MA” for my sister, Manuela; “LU” for my dad, Luis; “MA” for my mom, maluma babay Marlli. MALUMA KAROL G They’ve been there for me since the beginning and continue to support me.

There's nothing seriously wrong with this translation apart from this= why did you left? When posing a question infinitive should be used so IT should be =Why maluma did you leave? Correct me if I'm wrong

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